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c/o The New House

write to . . .
- at -
therentabrain dot

The Rent-A-Brain
Dot Com

"The human being is also more than his or her intellectual powers. Perhaps more crucial than intelligence in the human firmament are motivation, personality, emotions, and will. If we are ever to obtain a comprehensive and fully integrated picture of human beings, we need to meld our insights about cognition with comparable insights in respect to these other aspects of the human being. Perhaps, indeed, a different view of human nature will result from this activity of synthesis."
    -- Howard Gardner, Intelligence in Seven Steps, 1991

"What would you do with a brain if you had one?"
    -- Dorothy Gale, The Wizard of Oz, 1939

spanning pretty much any technology you need to make your media event or business happen, but particularly:

Multimedia editing, production, and on-site coordination
 Audio! Video! Cheerio! It's all delicious.
 Pitch accuracy, detailed editing, custom composition, digital studio facility
 Management and optimization of Zoom, Twitch, Facebook Live, etc for ideal picture and stereo sound
Technical Production
 Performance facilities and equipment, including a lodging space for touring artists
Custom programming
 Websites, VB/VBA, HTML, SQL, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, Access, ACOS, Logo, more; aesthetics & usability
Document generation, conversion, and manipulation
 Word, Excel, Access, PageMaker, Acrobat, Sony Vegas, Audacity, etc
 Purchase, setup, takedown, mounting/structural/aesthetics, reconfiguring, troubleshooting
 Copywriting, lyrical writing, editing, social media promotion, fact checking, grammar/spelling/mechanics
 Wiring, a/v, microphones, speakers, amplifiers, gramophones, reel to reel, telephones, AC/DC, and if you also need it, auto and plumbing insight
And More